


For risks to the 大学 that cannot be eliminated or transferred, a decision must 必须决定如何转移或承保已确定的风险.  这个规则概述了 作出这些决定时的考虑.  

Risks that have been identified but cannot be eliminated and have not been transferred by contract must be deliberately not insured, self-insured, or insured commercially. The risk management concept dictates that all three be weighed carefully in regard to budget, specific financial needs, investment policy, and experience of administrators.

Risk management involves activities that deal with the systematic identification of an institution's exposure to the risk of loss and the decisions made regarding the best methods of handling exposures in relation to the financial stability of the institution.  博天堂官方's Enterprise Risk Management Committee will assist in identification of institutional risks and possible mitigation strategies to reduce loss, which may include insurance. 

Insurance consists of sharing the risks of possible losses from specified hazards. The deductible amount of an insured loss, set at a limit to reduce small and frequent claims for loss, is that portion borne by the 大学 before entitlement to any recovery 从保险公司. 学院为主要财产投保 losses, general liability, auto liability and property damage, errors and omissions, boiler and machinery, cyber liability, business continuity, pollution liability, worker's compensation, athletic accident/injury, and other coverage tailored to needs as they 存在. The vice president of finance and operations recommends to the Board of Education the acquisition of insurance policies to adequately cover these identified risks on 代表学院.

The 大学 strives to maintain a safe working environment at all times. 每个大学 employee will contribute to the safe environment by completing assigned safety training and reporting hazards or unsafe practices to Campus Public 安全, the 大学's safety 委员会,或他们的主管.

The 大学 maintains workers' compensation insurance in compliance with state and 联邦法律. Following are the sequential steps that will be followed should an employee 的博天堂官方遭受工伤.

  1. 需要医疗照顾的伤害

    For non-emergencies, the injured worker will call the Nurse Plus service to triage 然后决定要采取的最佳行动. 当它是判断 of a supervisor or other 大学 staff at the scene of an injury/accident that an 出现紧急情况时,她/他会拨打911并叫救护车. 校园公共安全 Office or personnel designated for emergency response shall also be notified at this 在救护车到来之前进行急救的时间. 在…的情况下 an emergency, Nurse Plus should be contacted as soon as possible by the supervisor 或被任命者. Information provided to Nurse Plus is used in OSHA reporting for the 大学.

  2. Following A, or in cases where immediate medical attention is not required:
    1. The injured worker immediately contacts his/her direct supervisor to report the injury/accident. If the direct supervisor is not available to receive the report, the injured worker will report the injury/accident to the next available supervisory person in the organizational 结构. Injuries/accidents, no matter how slight, must be reported to the supervisor 以及一份提交给安全部门的事故报告 & 防损部.
    2. It is the responsibility of the injured worker and his/her supervisor to complete 网上事故报告表格的详情. 

      If the injury is serious enough to require medical attention and/or time off from work, a workers' compensation 801 claim form must be filed with the Human Resources 部门. The injured worker is responsible for contacting Human Resources within 受伤后24小时内填写表格.

    3. Human Resources will submit the form to the 大学's workers' compensation insurance 承运人并将副本提供给:
      1. 受伤工人;
      2. the injured worker's supervisor; and
      3. 安全 & 损失预防.

        When there is time loss due to a job-related injury, Human Resources will work with the workers' compensation carrier and the injured worker's supervisor and physician 为受伤工人制定复工计划.

        The injured worker is responsible for keeping the 大学 informed regarding the extent 工伤和任何必要的工作时间损失. 工人将提供他/她的 supervisor and Human Resources an updated release indicating the physician's findings 每次就诊或治疗后. 人力资源部将与主管就任何问题进行合作 修改后的工作进度的变更.

    4. Human Resources is responsible for the collection and disposition of information concerning 受伤工人的赔偿要求.
    5. Should any follow-up investigation be necessary, Human Resources will coordinate the 过程.
    6. 大学安全 & 损失预防 director will be advised of all workplace injuries 和事故. 如果伤害看起来是由于缺乏知识造成的 在安全操作方面,将提供安全培训. 这种培训将得到协调 与工作单位经理.

Within the requirements of the treating physician and the limitations of the law, injured employees will be returned to their regular job whenever possible. 在必要的时候 and possible, modifications will be applied to their regular job, or suitable alternative 职位可以在大学区内找到. 临时的轻工可以 如有必要,在治疗过程中提供帮助.

A careful analysis of risk, including a history of losses, is necessary before deciding among the three risk management alternatives—no insurance, total self-insurance of 风险,并通过使用免赔金额保留. 因此,所有领域的保险 are reviewed at least yearly, with more frequent analysis depending upon circumstances. Requests for Proposals for risk management and insurance broker services are solicited at least every five years to ensure the 大学 is obtaining the most effective and 具有成本效益的保险覆盖已识别的风险.

DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 05/21/91; 06/30/92; 03/04/97; 06/03/11; 10/31/16; 11/5/2020