
Recognizes the Board of Education’s intent to ensure appropriate compliance with copyright and other applicable 法律, as well as recognize ownership of developed materials as being based in project agreements, bargaining unit agreements, and other applicable 法律.



Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to the sound operation of the 大学. It is the policy of Linn-Benton 社区 College to adhere to copyright restrictions on published items in all software, electronic, video, audio, print, and yet-to-be developed media. Violations of original integrity, including plagiarism, invasion of privacy, unauthorized access, and trade secret and copyright violations, are not tolerated.

的 大学 will avail itself of educational discounts, site licenses, or other legitimate advances provided by authorized agents or vendors of copyrighted materials.

Administrative rules that govern the use and duplication of copyrighted materials will be reviewed annually for currency with applicable 法律 and compliance with fair use principles.


的 ownership and benefits of copyrights and other rights concerning the development of instructional materials, patents, products, or processes will be governed by an agreement covering the project. This agreement will be written between the 大学 and the individual involved, clearly stating the rights and responsibilities of both parties and the conditions of the agreement.

Materials produced for the 大学, on the direct assignment of 大学 personnel and with production costs assumed by the 大学, will become 大学 property. 的 大学 will copyright materials at its discretion and will control all rights to the materials, including any uses of materials produced for the interest of others.

When materials are produced under an agreement in which the 大学 undertakes partial support for a project, either in professional time involved or in production costs of the project, all rights in the resulting product will be the 大学s’ for free use by the 大学. Rights on any returns that may accrue from uses outside of 博天堂官方 will be granted to the 大学 and to the persons creating the products on the basis of percentage share determined by the original investment and reflecting the prorated production effort each party invested in the project. Copyrights will be held by the 大学 for the interests of all those concerned in the agreement.

When materials are produced under an agreement in which the 大学 provides no support but simply acts as the production sponsor, the party for whom the 大学 provides such services will be charged at the going commercial rate for such services in the Mid-Willamette area. 的 大学 shall not subsidize private interest production with public funds. All rights in such materials will accrue to the person for whom they are produced.


Copyrights, patents, and the development of instructional materials by bargaining unit employees are subject to collective bargaining agreements and shall be governed by the respective agreements; failing such provisions, Board 政策 and Administrative Rules shall apply.

DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 06/17/87; 06/20/90; 03/17/93, 5/18/16
DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 5/18/16; 3/18/2020